Monday, February 18, 2008

Coming Up For Air

Holy guacamole, is it really February already? Seems like Little Miss Drama, aka the lovely little Rayna Rhose, just made her appearance yesterday. But here we are, already past Valentine’s Day. What the hell is up with that?

But whatever.

Billy went above and beyond the call of duty in an attempt to woo me for Valentine’s Day. And it worked. Quit looking at me like that. I’m weak, what can I say? Besides, emeralds are a girl’s best friend. Or, at least they were that night.

Seriously though, he took me for a romantic dinner at a favorite place of ours. Had a little risotto, had a little wine, indulged in a bit of tiramisu. Then indulged in a bit of blue eyed Georgia boy. I think he’s trying to persuade me into giving him an answer, not that I can blame him for that or anything. Wonder what it’ll be?

(That’s what you get for reading over my shoulder, Tiger)

~Sarcastically yours, Scarlett

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